Barcode Images

If you require any other type of barcode image, you can purchase this here. We routinely supply the following formats of barcodes: EAN-13, UPC-A, ITF-14, Code-128, Code-39, QR Code, SSCC Codes and various other types of 2D and 1D Barcodes. Please enter the quantity of different barcode image sets you require, and enter your barcode numbers or information to be encoded in the ‘additional information’ section when checking out. We will email you your barcode images as attached files in 4 different formats (Bitmap, eps., Tiff, Jpeg, PDF). These images are sent in a standard size by default – If you require a different size, please specify this in the ‘additional information’ section.

Quantity    Price per image
1  $178
2  $148 each
3  $118 each
4 +  $95 each
10 +  $71 each
20 +  $47 each
50 +  $23 each


Note – All prices are in Namibian Dollars

Other Barcodes Images


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